Thursday, August 27, 2009

Meet Alice

All of us could use a little help around the home (Martha Stewart, please ignore this post).
If you are anything like me, you find yourself running to the store for that one item that you just forgot to put on the list. Don't you just hate it :(
Well, I have an answer. Meet Alice. Actually, My husband recently ran into this company on the web and knew it would be a welcome help-mate to us.
Alice is an online store that carries a lot of household supplies from major brands. The web store is so easy to use. Stores your product information and even reminds you of things you may need to order. How cool is that. It also has a budget tool that allows you to do some planning and budgeting of your household expenses. A lot of items are cheaper than what they are at the store. Things like diapers, toothpaste, detergent, cleaning supplies, deodorant, toilet paper, paper towels, body wash etc. All you have to do is sign in, click and drop your products into the cart and check out. Your order is at your door step in 2-3 days and the best part - FREE SHIPPING.
They have a 6 item minimum to justify free shipping but that has not been a problem for me because I can always find 6 items that are cheaper than I would have got at the grocery store.
Check it out.
Happy shopping!!!


Arthi said...

Hey Sap.. great to see u blogging.. I've bookmarked u'r blog and will sure visit it often..!! -Arthi.

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