Friday, July 2, 2010

a special snack idea

Izzy woke up a little later than usual this morning and as soon as she woke up downed a whole glass a milk (which for those of you who know her, is highly unlike her). As happy as I was with that, it diminished her appetite for breakfast and so I had to think of something creative before lunchtime to get something in her.
I suddenly remembered something a friend ( had tried with her kids and out came a cupcake baking tray. Voila!

Necessary Ingredients
-cupcake baking tray (for 6 or 12)
- 2 strawberries (sliced)
- handful of blueberries
- a few goldfish or star snacks
- a few cereal flakes
- a few pieces of apples
- a few pieces of healthy cheese.
- a baby/toddler/kid extremely excited about a new snack idea

Result - happy mommy and full toddler :)


C. Beth said...

Hi, Cynthia! I'm happy to see your blogs. :) I tried to comment on the other blog but for some reason when I clicked the comment link nothing happened.


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